Last week, I wrote a column, “Hillary Clinton is the Real Revolution” about why I will cast my vote for Clinton over Bernie Sanders in the March primary.

An immensely qualified candidate, Clinton also has the advantage of being a woman, which allows her to bring a unique perspective to U.S. politics — a perspective that is desperately needed. Because of these attributes, Clinton is my candidate.

Reaction to the article was strong. Many people wrote comments on the Advocate’s website and Facebook page to stump for Sanders or to call me a sexist, racist idiot.

What really got people heated was my assertion that history has shown that when white men write laws, women, people of color, and children are typically left behind. And because Sanders is a straight, white man I’m ready to vote for someone different — a person who shares some of my experiences as an American woman.

We can all be informed and disagree. So, here are some comments from readers about the article:

Bryan Dolan: A woman? Absolutely. This particular woman? Not for me. I think the controversial part is voting for Clinton primarily because she’s a woman even though you seem to prefer Bernie’s platform (?). Aside from her sex, I can’t think of a primary candidate who’s less revolutionary and more entrenched in the current dirty system than Clinton …. Whenever I see people/candidates divided and selected for race or gender — no matter which way — it makes me nervous. Both of these candidates have decades-long track records that we can examine. That seems like a far better basis for an important decision than a peek at their respective genitals.

Incidentally, the fact that she is a woman was, by all accounts, a major reason Walmart chose her for its board of directors in ’86 when they were stomping out their employees’ attempts to unionize.

Jan Andrew Kuznik: Reverse sexism is still sexism.

Ben Herrington: Wow … this might be the most ironic thing I have read today. We need Hillary strictly because of her gender? No white man has ever acted on behalf of those who weren’t like him? I had no idea that it was either a black man or a white woman who signed the Voting Rights Act or the Civil Rights Act. I had no idea that the Lilly Ledbetter Act was the first thing a female president signed when she got into office. We need to vote for ideas and ideals that lead us in the right direction, not for demographics.

Aimée Boettcher: [Quoting Palpini’s column] “Here’s my real problem with Sanders: He’s a straight, white man bent on revolution … one thing history has taught us time and again is that white, male revolution leaves behind women, people of color, and children.” What a BS racist, sexist, thing to say.

Danielle Letourneau-Therrien: This! I want to feel the Bern, I really do. But this.

Dawn Klein: So just because Hillary is a woman you presume she will follow through with helping women … she follows the money.

Danielle Letourneau-Therrien: Not “just because” but in part because. Yes.

Dawn Klein: Bernie’s stance on all of the issues are better than hers. So, this article is null and void.

Jakub Lakomski: If you want equality for women have women do work that is riskier. Where are the women in construction? Pushing brooms. Equality starts with women wanting to fight for it, [instead of] being handed 35K secretary jobs — secretary jobs are overpaid anyways. Work in engineering, science or construction field and you will get paid. That 78 cents on the dollar [gender wage gap] is a lie. Men don’t have maternity leave.

Melissa Stevens: How about the right person for the job without having to consider gender or race. A human who stands for the people! #feelthebern!

Chanterelle To Go: Hillary is a white man. Bernie is a rainbow.

Liam ‘El Smasho’ Malone: Hillary is not the change we need. She is as establishment as they come. I’m ready for a woman in the highest office in the land, too, but I’m ready for Warren 2024, not Hillary 2016.

Jay Harris: Don’t vote for Hillary. I mean she sucked so bad that she got cheated on.

Linda Warriner: Bernie has ideals without anchors. His fantasy will get the votes of the callow and communist, but if these are successful in planting him as POTUS, reality will degrade and pulverize what’s left of our country. The man is like an octopus on roller skates.•

Contact Kristin Palpini at