Super duper tired. Me.

While I could use some sleep, the tired I’m feeling isn’t really the sleepy kind. I’m just tired. I could use a change of scenery. I could use a break from responsibility. I would do very well to say no to five things in a row, no matter what they are.

I am not the best at that little two-letter word.

Of course the real responsibility isn’t from all the other stuff; it’s just… this: Andrew Solomon, Author of Far From The Tree: in reference to parenthood, “A terrifying joy of unbearable responsibility.” That pretty much sums it up. It’s such an amazing privilege, one that I love beyond measure and at this moment feel overwhelmed by, too. I realize how hard it is to say that. But there you have it.

At Millie’s birthday party the bubbles were a huge hit and Alan blew some up into the air and I began to take photos of them. It wasn’t exactly that I hoped to float away. It was more like I saw the appeal of such airborne abilities.

You just can’t argue bubbles.

Three to be grateful for are how friends really help you through moments of overwhelm in every which way from logistics on out, grateful for the surprises each child brings from unbidden hugs to wry observations and grateful for my deep postcard collection that this week included the exact card I needed to send to my niece’s fifth grade states’ project.

Three to share: these Northampton bags designed by my pal, the ever-talented and lovely Molly Hatch, which are available through my friend Colette’s store, with a redone and user-friendly website so you don’t have to live here to enjoy her fine eye at Essentials; the incredible evenings you can enjoy back-to-back—Friday a big event to celebrate National Priorities’ Project at 30 years that includes Barney Frank and Sonya Kitchell (where else would that happen?) and Saturday (but also Friday) the Greenfield Fringe Festival; and my latest for Brain, Child’s blog is about my anticipatory anxiety over this year’s family study unit in the kindergarten-first grade class.

That’s Millie; she’s 1-2-3-4.