This is what nearly 18 years looks like; we need a new photo.

Nineteen years ago today I attended the best wedding I’d ever been to—my own. By definition, best is the case. I stand by it most especially because I get to share my life with this most fantastic guy. I try not to get mushy on the blog. He’s a peach—or right now, a honeycrisp.

And I’ve barely seen him today.

Nineteen years in: today a kid home sick, work, plus three more kids, yoga class, helping a friend… yeah. We are busy. We are lucky. We are (much of the time) exhausted.

My end of the day three good things: having married my dear husband, trusting the ultimate solidity of the messy or busy or tired or confused, and the turning leaves (even if winter comes after autumn).


Three things to share: this essay about the runners’ understated, honorable tribe.

At my friend Suna’s house, I saw this jalapeño pepper corer. Consider it squarely ON the holiday gift list.

On a little crafty bloggy troll, I found a crib blanket on Crispina ffrench’s etsy shop that would entice me to want another baby (but see above: we are pretty much of the time exhausted).