
Advocate Here at chez Rounds dinner is a routine affair. This stems largely from the finicky eating habits of the elder indigent boarder. Tonight we had black beans with rice. It’s his favorite. The younger favors split pea soup, again with rice. That’s...

Summer Wish List

This is my third summer wish list (you can read the first and the second if you’d like). When I return to the task, I’m always struck that there was so much I wanted to do and didn’t do and so much I wanted to do and did do. I realized yesterday when...

Attack of the Mommy Spiders

I’ve had a little bit of an entomological study going on here for the past year. Well I guess technically it’s arachnology, since I’m obsessed with spiders. But not just any spiders: Mommy spiders. And definitely not the really horrifiyingly scary...