I’ve been a bit slower on the blog the past couple of weeks—freelancing, cleaning my house, this weekend just racing around from event to event to event—and while I want to write a short, smart essay to start the week off, that’s not happening. I have to say two words first: Thank you.

Why? Because on Friday an essay of mine went up on Motherlode (the NYT parenting blog) and it is one of those hard truth essays that simultaneously make you wonder why you’re a writer and affirm exactly why you’re a writer. Through the process of bringing the piece “home” I developed an even greater appreciation for the gifts compassionate, smart editors bring writers. They push and pull the last drops of stories out.

And then, taking some deep breaths, I waited. Writers do that. We wait and wonder whether the things we were trying to say were audible or whether we actually said something else entirely and had no idea what we were communicating. Over the weekend, I received so many kind words. And I had conversations I couldn’t have had unless I’d shared my hard truth.

I wish I had something more to say on the subject. I don’t, though—I really just have a sense of immense gratitude.