“Swallowed by an Idea”

Can three great writers from the nineteenth century help us understand the eruption of terrorism in our own time? In my view, they can and we shouldn’t ignore what they have to tell us. As a case in point, the title of this essay is based on a profound insight...

Warren Buffet: Spotted Owl?

I often wonder if the Tea Partiers understand the current tax situation they defend with such vehemence. Perhaps more of them than we realize are billionaires for whom the payroll tax is inconsequential? If you haven’t seen it, it’s most certainly worth...

Slow Mode

Last night, I was trying to think about what to write on my blog beyond the very nothing-ness that seems to be our quiet little mama plus three-and-a-half year-old gal time. It’s really been stuff like a swim club trip with friends, a morning hanging with an...