John McCain: credit where credit's due

Interesting, given that John McCain has been tortured, that he remains consistently opposed to America’s employing of torture. He’s not been swayed by the dubious narrative about torture yielding bin Laden: Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) took to the Senate floor...
Springfield Armory: Swords into Ploughshares

Springfield Armory: Swords into Ploughshares

In an era when the cries over the outsourcing of American manufacturing are only drowned out by the sound of Chinese factories running at full steam, it’s easy to forget that at one time, the United States was a leader in the business of making things. Though...

A Case of Sour Grapes

Conservatives had two options in responding to news that Osama bin Laden had been killed: They could either celebrate along with the rest of America and concede that the Obama administration had done the right thing, or they could lose their minds completely and...

Climb Your Way to the Top

“Drop those pants.” “Roll over.” “Bottoms up!” You Tops think you’re soooo special with your cocky attitudes, sexual demands and complicated rope knots. Well, let me tell you, dears, Topping is about more than just getting...