Land of the Free (TM)

The Washington Post explores the map of domestic spying in the U.S. with a remarkable gathering of information (two years in the making). It’s enough to make you say, “Well, if you haven’t done anything wrong…” Here’s the opening:...

Power Plant Fight Continues

Critics of the proposed wood-burning power plant in East Springfield continue to pressure the City Council to revoke the special permit it granted to the developers, Palmer Renewable Energy, in 2008. The $150 million project, which would be sited on Page Boulevard,...
StageStruck: Two Towns, Three Stages

StageStruck: Two Towns, Three Stages

“In the theater, it’s all about timing, isn’t it?” Kate Maguire is commenting on the concatenation of circumstances that doubled her job description last month. Until then, she was wearing two hats: artistic director and CEO of the Berkshire...

Between the Lines: Death of the Moderates

“Given his druthers, Obama will pursue the most left-leaning course that he can get away with.” So says Jennifer Rubin, a right-wing pundit at the neoconservative-leaning Washington Post. “Obama,” Rubin claims, “would have marched through...
Friendly Neighborhood Pirate Radio

Friendly Neighborhood Pirate Radio

“I said, get here ahead of time. What happened? This is live radio, Mark. Where are you?” Mo Gareau (formerly Ringey) said. I’d called her cell phone, and she answered me on the air—10 minutes into her morning interview show, where I was...