The Helsinki Virago

I would like to join Laura Ingraham in registering a complaint against Stephen Colbert. My great-grandma was part-Cherokee, and I too cannot believe that Colbert would demean Native American culture so terribly in calling Ingraham “Ichabod Crane’s banshee...

Random Jumble

Subtitle: Me. Recently, I’ve copied a couple of people’s blog post ideas (including a summer wish list of things to do: I mean to go back and mark it up like Damaris at bebeloo has done. Haven’t so far. I’ve managed to complete number...

How We Do Food

The 36th annual summer conference of the Northeast Organic Farming Association—to be held August 13 to 15 at UMass-Amherst—will kick off with a Raw Milk Symposium, featuring talks by two leading experts in the field. Sally Fallon Morell, founder of the...

Wellness: Lessons From Swine Flu

The American media circus has moved on, the drugstores are removing the “H1N1 Vaccinations Available Here” signs, and most people are engaged with other concerns. Like SARS, avian flu and hantavirus, swine flu is yesterday’s scare. But perhaps...