Rolling snake eyes

If someone has been in a plane crash, what are the odds they will be in two crashes? Shouldn’t you fly with them to be safer? And if a plane crashes, shouldn’t you take the next plane out–what are the odds two planes in a row will crash? Such strange...
StageStruck: Passionate About Plays

StageStruck: Passionate About Plays

“There’s a great belief in Amherst that conversation and dialogue can actually produce change,” says Zak Berkman. “The idea that if you can get everyone in the room to talk about something, it can affect the community as a whole.” Berkman...
Dramatically Digital

Dramatically Digital

The Metropolitan Opera was the first to burst the bounds of its own stage to stream high-definition digital transmissions of live performances to cinema screens around the country. Then Britain’s National Theatre started beaming plays from its home on...
Reality Versus Ridiculous Perception

Reality Versus Ridiculous Perception

In response to a recent Advocate article about a less-than-flattering WNEC poll on the quality of life in Springfield (“Improvement Needed,” April 15), one proud city resident wrote to offer a very different view of the city. “Springfield has been...