Ogg my Vorbis

I should have known. Let yourself be pulled into watching an actual network television show (although they seem to be calling them television “events” now, which gives drooling in front of the screen a whole new sheen of excitement to enjoy as you reach...

Crime Report

Just a few days after state Sen. Stephen Buoniconti announced his candidacy for Hampden County District Attorney came a rather uncomfortable story in the Boston Herald: on Saturday, the Herald’s Dave Wedge reported that the former prosecutor has taken $4,800 in...
The Wisecracking Puppets Who Wouldn't Die

The Wisecracking Puppets Who Wouldn't Die

No matter the time of day, watch an old Mystery Science Theater 3,000 episode and it feels like the middle of the night. The show was set primarily on the Satellite of Love, an awkward-looking bone of a spaceship, where Joel Robinson (series creator Joel Hodgson) and...
StageStruck: Messy Lives

StageStruck: Messy Lives

A lot of us conceive of Western Massachusetts in terms of the cozy, college-crammed, latte-happy Valley. But the Real World is nearer than we like to think, and it’s alive and well in the neighboring hilltowns. Or maybe not all that well, judging from Lucy...