Stage Struck: Double Header

Stage Struck: Double Header

In these even-tougher times for the arts, the one-person play is enjoying an enforced resurgence. Shakespeare & Company mounted three of them this year, Amherst's Ko Festival formed its whole summer season around solo shows, and now the Berkshire Theatre...
Romeo & Juliet Cubed

Romeo & Juliet Cubed

The stars are aligning for those "star-crossed lovers," as three separate versions of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet hit the stage in the coming weeks.Each production comes to the classic romance from a different perspective. A touring company captures...

Easthampton: And They're Off…

The polls will be bustling next Tuesday at White Brook Middle School, one of Easthampton's largest voting locations. Since it's an odd year, chances are you might even catch a glimpse of the person you're voting for, since the city's unusually closely...

Between the Lines: Is Your Name Written There?

'Tis the season when the state treasurer's office comes forward with its list of owners of unclaimed property. Hundreds of names have been paraded through the papers to 1) notify people who might be shocked to learn that their forgotten bank account has made...