Rooke Renews Press for Library

Oh, what joy Denise Jordan, chief of staff to Mayor Domenic Sarno, must feel every time she logs on to her email and finds a message waiting from City Councilor Tim Rooke.Rooke’s messages to the mayor’s office typically have what might called a persistent...
Shakespeare, Foursooth

Shakespeare, Foursooth

This summer, Shakespeare & Company are staging more actual Shakespeares than usual, including all three of the mainstage productions and one in the new Elayne P. Bernstein Theatre that's usually home to contemporary work. Now playing are two of the great...
Knockabout Is Fair Play

Knockabout Is Fair Play

"Dying is easy. Comedy is hard." Those famous last words, variously attributed to a number of great actors, are famous because every performer knows they're true. It's all, as they say, in the timing. The throwaway quip, the perfectly placed punch...