locavore meow from St. Louis

This from todays tireless news feed:White House garden inspires locavores and overdressed gardeners Kevin Horrigan[More columns][Kevin's Biography] BY KEVIN HORRIGAN• khorrigan@post-dispatch.comST. LOUIS POST-DISPATCH04/26/2009 A couple of weeks ago, some...

Nuremberg redux

It's hard to know who most deserves the Up Is Down Award right now, especially when it comes to the Room 101 case currently unfolding to reveal that Bush and his apologists really were every bit as bad as his most vociferous detractors said.I mean, which of these...

Beware Down There

Last time I checked, activities like tanning and waxing didn't hold the same sterilizing risks as hard-hitting sports like baseball or football, which require participants to don protective cups. But that's just the approach the marketers over at VJJ...