Obama, wherefore art thou?

Obama, in the midst of undoing so many of Bush's abuses of secrecy, just focused on the mother of all secrecy ploys, the "State Secrets Privilege," and has initially signalled that he'll continue abusing it like Bush did. You know what they say about...

Northampton's new landfill flare

New landfill flare. On September 22, 2008 the Mass. DEP sent to Stantec a Notice of Noncompliance: NON-WE_08_4018 (PDF). Apparently, Stantec signed off on the "complete" installation of the new methane gas flare even though it was not fully installed because...

The Great Outdoors

I have something I need to say that I just can’t hold back any longer. Ready? Here it is: I love an outdoor wedding. I don’t just like them; no, I LOVE them! In the many years I have been working as a Professional Bridal Consultant I have helped plan and...


[If you are not in the mood/ don't have time/ too lazy to read the full post, do yourself a favor and check out the video at the end] Examining human sexuality and the way gender operates in our daily interactions with each other is a theme that can be worked into...