Jesus a Locavore?

It's subtle but if you look really hard at the 16 billion pixels that represent a recent restoration of Da Vinci's "The Last Supper," (1498) a plate of grilled eels and an orange slice (the parsley garnish of the 1494). According to MHC Art Professor...

The Preservation of the Peach

Good luck with this because our friend Mr. Peach is all but gone from the fields but if you can get your hands on some, here is a good website that shows how to can all fruits for winter consumption. Freezing is a lot easier because there is no sterilization, jars,...

Jesus a Locavore?

It's subtle but if you look really hard at the 16 billion pixels that represent a recent restoration of da Vinci's Last Supper, you can barely make out a plate of grilled eels and an orange slice. The image is so vague that it could also be a plate of donuts....

McCain Ruins Breakfast

The bread element of the locavore breakfast is a complicated thing. First it has to be made by hand and second it has to be made of local corn meal, ground by a man on a bike in Hadley. And C, it can't go in the toaster because there is no toaster that works with...

Slavery and Public History

Molasses, sugar, palm leaves, and cotton. Tea, coffee, rum. All of these were staples of eighteenth and nineteenth-century New England life. None of them were produced in New England, and obtaining them involved some practices we would now find morally objectionable,...