The Value of Beauty in Public Spaces

Whenever I teach an art history survey (as I have for a decade in at least five Boston area institutions), I begin by asking my students for definitions of art. Invariably, someone will note that art can be defined as anything found in a museum gallery. Fair...
Amazonian Appetites

Amazonian Appetites

The myth of Medea has been a profound source of inspiration for 20th- and 21st-century artists with drastically different aesthetics: everyone from Leonard Baskin to Margaret Atwood has been inspired by the tale of the mother who murdered her children to avenge her...

Between the LInes: Not the River But the Stream?

A plan to build a Lowe's Home Improvement store in Hadley on a parcel adjoining Long Hollow Bison Farm has hit an obstacle. The developer, Paradigm Development of Colden, N.Y., has been informed by the state that it must start all over again proving that a stream...