Soft in the head

As the son of a Baptist minister, I often read with dismay the incredible thoughts of some of the most far-gone among the evangelical set. The true top of the heap is probably the apocalyptic crew, the sort who try to calculate the exact date of the Rapture by turning...

The World This Week: No Superheroes Here

Stick a fork in Rudy Giuliani. He's done. His shadow, Bernard Kerik, has also been done for two years, but he is so corrupt it has yet to register in his reptilian mind. Together this charmless pair will sink into the New York City sleaze, settling somewhere near...

Nightcrawler: Fearing Nuttin

Your friendly neighborhood Nightcrawler can't remember the year. But he recalls getting a chuckle out of the fact that he had barely finished his first barley when the topic at the bar swiftly turned—as it always seemed to then—to the area's newest...
CD Shorts

CD Shorts

The Library Is On FireCassette(independent)Though I remain uncertain what exactly an “art punk” band might be three decades after the punk movement, Cassette is an interesting romp from Brooklyn (by way of Kent, Ohio) band The Library Is On Fire. At first,...