Councilor Stebbins breaks down the overlay

Guest-blogging on the stimulating subject of zoning overlay districts (Word doc) is City Councilor Bruce Stebbins, who lives downtown on Mattoon Street and is a senior regional manager for the National Association of Manufacturers. Stebbins serves on the community...

WARNING! Fried bluejay with give you the jumps

Back 8 months or so ago i found Dodie a orange kitten which is now a cat named Gillette. usually cats dont make it much past the 6 month mark up here b/c of fishercats and coyotes and whatnot, which is why we name our cats after disposable razors. gillette replaces a...

the rest of the axis of evil

While Bush is planning to "surge" us into oblivion Iraqi-style, the North Koreans are looking for a little love, too–according to ABC News, there’s activity at a nuclear test site. That’s the problem George has never gotten used to: the...


I really don’t care for politics. I’ve been up to my widow’s peak in it since 2000, but it’s only because it’s seemed necessary in a way it never was before. The whole Gore-Bush election-stealing bit woke me from my slumber, and since...